The Jefferson Davis County Solid Waste Department oversees residential and commercial trash collection and disposal for areas outside of municipalities.

Contact Information:

2426 Pearl Avenue
P O Box 1317
Prentiss, MS 39474

Phone: 601-792-4336


Jefferson Davis County Rubbish Facility is a Class I rubbish facility located along St. Stephens Road in Section 10, Township 7 North, Range 18 West approximately 3.8 miles West of Prentiss. The facility has been in operation for about 12 years and is owned and operated by Jefferson Davis County. The facility's area for disposal operation consists of approximately 7.89 acres. The total site area including buffer zones and unused area is approximately 20.0 acres.

Address of Rubbish Facility

755 E. St. Stephens Rd.
Prentiss, MS 39474


Jefferson Davis County Rubbish Facility only accepts Class I rubbish. The primary source of wastes is from residents of Jefferson Davis County. The facility does not accept household, industrial, or commercial waste. Acceptable wastes are the following;

  1. Construction and demolition debris including wood, metal, etc.
  2. Brick, mortar, concrete, stone, and asphalt
  3. Cardboard boxes
  4. Natural vegetation including tree limbs, stumps, and leaves
  5. Appliances which have had the motor removed, except for refrigerators
  6. Furniture
  7. Plastic, glass, crockery, arid metal, except containers
  8. Sawdust. wood shavings, and wood chips

The rubbish site also provides a waste tire storage area on a 32' x 40' concrete pad. The waste tires are collected by Southern Transport as necessary for proper disposal.




  • Construction and demolition debris, such as wood, metal, etc.
  • Brick, mortar, concrete, stone, and asphalt
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Natural vegetation, such as tree limbs, stumps, and leaves
  • Appliances which have had the motor removed, except for refrigerators
  • Furniture
  • Plastic, glass, crockery, and metal, except containers
  • Sawdust, wood shavings, and wood chips


  • Any waste listed above contaminated by a possible pollutant, such as a food or chemical
  • Household garbage
  • Food or drink waste
  • Industrial waste, unless specifically approved by the OPC*
  • Liquids
  • Sludges
  • Contaminated soils
  • Paint or paint buckets
  • Oil containers and chemical containers
  • Any metal, glass, plastic, or paper container, unless specifically approved by the OPC*
  • Fabric, unless specifically approved by the OPC*
  • Paper wastes, unless specifically approved by the OPC*
  • Engines or motors
  • Refrigerators
  • Whole tires
  • Cut or shredded tires, unless specifically approved by the OPC*
  • Batteries
  • Toxic or hazardous waste
  • Asbestos and asbestos containing material
  • Medical waste
  • Other waste which may have an adverse effect on the environment

* The Office of Polution Control (OPC) may approve the disposal of certain industrial waste, containers, fabric, paper wastes, or cut or shredded tires, on a case-by-case basis, depending upon the characteristics of the waste and the operational plan of the site.

It is the responsibility of the operator to remove and properly dispose any prohibited wastes which were inadvertently or illegally disposed at the site. If the operator has any doubts as to the acceptability of a waste, he should contact the Office of Pollution Control, Solid Waste Management Branch, phone 601-961-5171, for assistance.